Anaglyphic Portraits

Joshua Lederberg



This portrait of my renowned brother-in-law and Nobel Prize recipient shows him
throughthe green lens in his prime as president of the Rockefeller University,
but looking through the red lens reveal his college graduation picture
and the beginning of his career and suggests the youthful curiosity and quest for knowledge
which continued throughout his life.

More information at


Self Portrait

Sima b/w

Sima from Vilna to Jerusalem


Sima b/w

Delane in Mount Eden



In her prolific career as an artist,
Yael Avi-Yonah has made over 1000 portraits in oil and tempera.
Additional portraits can be seen at yael2L.html

The manager of Yael's estate is interested
in contacting a serious collector
who would be willing and able
to promote her original paintings in museums and galleries
107 Alorzorov Street
Tzfat (Safed) Israel 1322480
Telephone in Israel:
  mobile: 052-662-7620

Email address:

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Copyrighted (c) Yael Avi-Yonah 1997-2012. All rights reserved.