Portraits of The Lubavitcher Rebbe by Yael Avi-Yonah OBM

Freehand oil on canvas
1.30 x 2.40 meters


The above painting is my interpretation
of the Lubavitcher Rebbe,
whom I have never met personally,
yet I feel he has profoundly influenced my life
and this portrait is my way
of maintaining a continuous dialogue with him.
I have chosen to portray him as young man,
the way he looked fifty years ago,
against a vision of the New Jerusalem
as it will appear with the revelation
of the Messiah and the Resurrection.

Recent portrait of the Rebbe


Freehand acrylic on canvas 
31 1/2" x 27"  (80 x 69 cm)

Quality poster 14 1/2" x 12 1/2 (37 x 32 cm)
moderately priced giclees,
avaialble in Israel at contact information below.

Clients abroad can inquire at

Link to Dov Lederberg's Visages of the Rebbe

The manager of Yael's estate is interested
in contacting a serious collector
who would be willing and able to promote
her original paintings in museums and galleries
107 Alorzorov Street
Tzfat (Safed) Israel 1322480
Telephone in Israel:
  mobile: 052-662-7620
Email address: dovlederberg@gmail.com

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