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Press Release


Dov Lederberg “Dialogues & Anti-logues”
An exhibition of abstract illusionist paintings
from June 1st to June 30th 2005

at the Ezair Gallery, 905 Madison Avenue, New York, NY
Opening reception will be held
on Tuesday June 7th from 6 pm to 8 pm
Gallery hours are Tuesday-Friday 12-6 pm.

The Ezair Gallery is happy to announce
the forthcoming exhibition of recent paintings
by the talented American-Israeli artist,
Dov Lederberg.
His innovative “Dialogues & Anti-logues” series
will be his premiere exhibition at the Gallery.

In the Dialogue series Lederberg
attempts to render unique visual models
for an impressive range of human
communication and interaction.
Using a basic form of two cartoon faces in confrontation,
he has succeeded in creating a rich and extensive series
with unusual combinations of colors and shades,
permutations and transformations.
Each painting has a “title” relating to some aspect
of “communication” (or its antithesis)
and correspondences can be made
with the well known Seven Virtues and Seven Deadly Sins,
Martin Buber's "I-Thou" and "I-It" paradigm
and kabbalistic teachings regarding the “changing faces”
of the cherub statues on the Ark of the Covenant.
However, the paintings are definitely
not just diagrams or illustrations of ideas,
but usually retain the elusive quality of inspired art
that always invites continuous interaction
with the emerging gestalt it stimulates.