Living with the Parsha
לחיות עם פרשת השבועה

The following are direct links to
each of the the
Five Books of the Torah.
Under each Book are links to
the individual 53 Parshas
according to the yearly cycle.
Just press on the underlined phrase.

The Book of Genesis - בראשית

1. Parshat Bereishis (Genesis) -

Conceiving the Universe - The Big Bang

The Secret Names of Bereishis  בראשית

The Mystery of Eve and the Snake

2. Parshat Noach - נח

The Waters of the Flood

3. Parshat Lech-Lecha - לך לך

Going Away and Coming Inward

Avraham's Frightening Prophecy

4. Parshat Vayeira -  וַיֵּרָא

The Three Angels Visit Abraham

The Akada and the Messianic Shofar

Lot as a Joker in Sodom

5. Parshat Chayei Sarah - חיי שרה

The Passing Away of Sarah:
Death and the Resurrection

Ma-arat HaMachpelah -מערת המכפלה

Making Your Wife Happy

6. Parshat Toldot - תולדות

Yakov (Jacob) versus Eisav (Esau)

The Liver versus the Heart

7. Parshat VaYeizei - ויצא

Jacob's Ladder - סֻלָּם יַעֲקֹב

Kabbalah Genetics

VAV the Letter of Truth

8. Parshat VaYishlach - וישלח

Jacob Wrestling With The Angel

Solace in Sorrow:
The Birth of Benjamin

9. Parshat VaYeishev - וישב

Being Thrown into an "Empty" Pit

Joseph & Potiphera's Wife

10. Parshat Mikeitz - מקץ

Efraiyim and Menasheh

11. Parshat Vayigash - ויגש

Judah Confronts Joseph

The Future Monarchy: Joseph or Judah

Joseph and the Mishkan

Judah and the Bait HaMikdash

12. Parshat Vayechi - ויחי

Jacob's Blessing for Benjamin

Blessings to the Tribes

The Book of Exodus - שמות

13. Parshat Shemot - שמות


The Message of the Burning Bush

The Secret of the Shin ש

The Denouement in History

14. Parshat Va'eira -  וארא

The Ten Plagues

The First Plague - Malchut
Blood  - דָם

The Second Plague - Yesod
Frogs - צְפַרְדֵעַ

The Third Plague - Hod (Accepting)
Lice - כִּנִים

The Fourth Plague - Netzach
Orchestration of Wild Animals - עָרֹב

The Fifth Plague - Tiferet (Mercy)
Pestilence - דֶּבֶר 

The Sixth Plague - Gevurah
Boils -  שְּׁחִין

The Seventh Plague - Chesed
Hail -  בָּרָד

15. Parshat Bo - בא

The Eighth Plague - Bina
Locusts - אַרְבֶּה

The Ninth Plague - Chachma
Darkness - חֹשֶׁךְ

The Tenth Plague - Keter
The Death of the First Born - בכורות

Celebrating Passover - Pesach

Voyage into the Matza Interior

16. Parshat Beshalach - בשלח

Crossing the Red Sea - קריעת ים סוף

Being Born

Marah - Bitter Waters

Amalek - עמלק

17. Parshat Yitro - יתרו

Receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai

The Secret of the Alef

The Diagonal in the Alef

18. Parshat Mishpatim - משפטים

The Laws of Negligence

The Vision of the 70 Elders

19. Parshat Terumah - תרומה

The Cherubs - הַכְּרֻבִים

20. Parshat Tetzaveh - תצוה

The Twelve Tribes in the Kho-shen

21. Parshat Ki Sisa - כי תשא

The Cosmic Man - What Moses Saw

The Fiery Face of Moses

22 & 23. Parshat VaYakhel - Pekudei
ויקהל פקודי

Sabbath Without Anger

Visions of the Temple
The Haichal (Sanctuary)
Inner and Outer Space

The Altar - Sublimation
of the Animal Energies

The Book of Leviticus - ויקרא

24. Parshat VaYikra - ויקרא

The Small Alef -Video

25. Parshat Tzav - צו

The Burning Altar of Our Heart

The Shin in the Fire - Video

26. Parshat Shemini - שמיני

Forbidden Foods

The VAV in the Serpent's Belly

Video Art - The Letter VAV

27. Parshat Tazriya - תזריע

Masculine and Feminine Waters

28. Parshat Metzora - מצורע

Biblical Leprosy

29. Parshat Acharei Mot - אחרי מות

The Scape Goat

30. Parshat Kedoshim - קדשים

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

31. Parshat Emor - אמור

A Lamp of G-d is a Man's Soul

32. Parshat BeHar - בהר

The Mystery of Conception and Pregnancy

33. Parshat BeChuko-tai - בחקתי

Transcendental Engravings

The Book of Numbers - במדבר

34. Parshat BaMidbar - במדבר

The Encampment

35. Parshat Naso - נשא

Shalom and the Priestly Blessing

36. Parshat BeHa'alotcha - בהעלותך 

Being a Lamp Lighter

37. Parshat Shelach - שלח

The Grasshopper Syndrome

Milk and Honey Sunrise over Safed - Tzfat

38. Parshat Korach - קרח

Korach's End

39. Parshat Chukat - חקת

The Attack of the Fiery Serpents

40. Parshat Balak - בלק

The Witchery of Balak and Bilam

41. Parshat Pinchas - פינחס

The Zealot

42. Parshat Matot - מטות

The Narcissist

43. Parshat Masei - מסעי

Refuge City in the Mind

The Book of Deuteronomy - דברים

44. Parshat Devarim - דברים

Confronting Og and Sichon

45. Parshat VaEtchanan -

Achad - the Primordial Light

46. Parshat Eikev - עקב

The Eye of Providence

47. Parshat Re'eh - ראה

Seeing Anochi

Voyage into the Matza Interior - Video Art

48. Parshat Shoftim  -  שופטים

Prayer as going out to Battle

The Mystery of the Bird Nest

Blot Out Amalek עמלק

49. Parshat Ki Tavo - כי תבוא

Putting Tefillin upon Har Habayit -
The Temple Mount

Video -The Mystery of the Shin

Re-interpreting the 98 Curses

50. Parshat Nitzavim - נצבים

The Cosmic Dance of Forgiveness

51. Parshat VaYeilach - וילך

The Mask and the Reality

52. Parshat Ha'azinu - האזינו

The Great Eagle in the Sky

53. Parshat VeZot HaBracha - וזאת הברכה

Fiery Torah

The Blessings to the Tribes

Moses Re-made the Eyes of Israel

The Heart לב of the Torah


See also Sefer Yetzira

and Jewish Holidays

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 and prints/posters to be shipped in Israel

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who may be visiting Northern Israel

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Tzfat (Safed) Israel 1322480
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  mobile: 052-662-7620

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